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Church Council Members 2024

Council President - Walter Paxson
Term Expires 2025

Council President Duties: The president shall preside at meetings of the congregation and Congregation Council.

Council Vice President - Kevin Coates
Term Expires 2025

Council Vice President Duties: The vice president shall preside at meetings of the congregation and the Congregation Council in the event of the president’s inability to serve.

Recording Secretary - Mary Morscheck
Term Expires 2026

Recording Secretary Duties: The recording secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the congregation and of the Congregation Council.  These minutes shall be preserved permanently in the congregation’s archives.

Treasurer - Amanda Hunsaker

Treasurer Duties: The treasurer shall keep the books of account of the congregation and shall disburse funds on proper orders.

Financial Secretary - Rose Roberson

Treasurer Duties: The treasurer shall keep the books of account of the congregation and shall disburse funds on proper orders.

Worship Committee
Erin Roberson - Term Expires 2025

Committee Members:

Worship Committee Duties: The Worship Committee shall assist the congregation in seeing that the services of God’s house are conducted regularly and in accordance with the liturgy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. It shall provide and arrange for the care of paraments, vestments, musical instruments, hymnals and other worship materials. This committee shall supervise and strive to advance the welfare and effective service of the choir(s) of the congregation, and shall supervise all musical staff in consultation with the pastor.

Learning Committee
Gina Hawk - Term Expires 2025

Committee Members:

Amanda Hunsaker, Cindy Williams
Learning Committee Duties: The Learning Committee, in association with the pastor, shall oversee the conduct and promotion of Sunday School, Bible School, Confirmation, Membership Instruction, etc. It shall encourage the use of teaching and learning materials published or approved by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and seek to introduce the church’s periodicals and books of family devotion into the homes of the congregation. One of the primary aims of the committee shall be to bring the call to the ministry of the Gospel and to other full time church vocations to the attention of qualified youth of the congregation.

Witness Committee
Mary Morscheck - Term Expires 2026

Committee Members: 


Witness Committee Duties: A Witness Committee shall stimulate and lead all members of the congregation in continuous and, from time to time concerted endeavors to reawaken the spiritually indifferent and to reach others who are as yet unwon, with the Gospel and attach them to Christ’s Church. To this end, the committee shall devote itself to deepening spiritual life and shall periodically study the congregation in the context of its surrounding community. Other committee duties shall include assisting the pastor with visitation, informing the pastor of members or non-churched needing pastoral care. Review inactive member list semi-annually and contact as needed.

Memorial Committee
Rita Holman - Term Expires 2026

Committee Members: 


Memorial Committee Duties: The Memorial Committee shall make recommendations to the council concerning expenditure of memorial funds in consultation with the pastor and others as appropriate. This committee shall meet at least annually to maintain a list of desired memorial gifts, and may receive suggestions for such list from anyone in the congregation.

Property Committee
Denise Luchnenko - Term Expires 2026

Committee Members: 


Property Committee Duties: The Property Committee shall see to the proper maintenance and protection of all property of the congregation, and shall take care that the same is kept in good repair and is adequately insured. All custodial staff and duties shall be supervised by this committee. This committee shall also be responsible for the care and lease of the church farm property.

Support Committee
Troy Boughan - Term Expires 2026

Committee Members: 

Rose Roberson, Amanda Hunsaker

Support Committee Duties: The treasurer and financial secretary shall be members ex officio of a Support Committee. It shall be the function of this committee to evoke and promote the expression of Christian faith in daily living; to teach the Christian use of money; to diffuse knowledge of the congregation’s local, national, and world-wide ministries; and to lead all its members to higher levels of proportionate giving for the Lord’s work. This committee shall be responsible for congregational efforts which lead to informed and grateful giving. This committee shall prepare a draft budget for the succeeding year, including this congregation’s full indicated share in support of the wider ministry being carried on in its behalf by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the synod, and shall submit such a draft budget to the church council for its action and later presentation to a congregation meeting. This committee shall exercise oversight of all the financial affairs of the congregation to make sure that they are being conducted efficiently, giving particular attention to the prompt payment of all obligations and to the regular forwarding of benevolence monies to the synodical treasurer.

Mutual Ministry Committee
Bruce Roberson - Term Expires 2025

Committee Members:


Mutual Ministry Committee Duties: This committee shall meet at least annually with the pastor to review the ministry of the pastor and the congregation.


Office Tel: 419-649-3931


Sunday School 9:00 am
Children, High School, & Adult


Worship 10:00 am

Holy communion on the 1st & 3rd      Sunday of every month


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PO Box 7111
Lafayette, OH 45854

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